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In the Mediterranean area there are more than 1,000 genetic types of olives. Vegetative propagation limited in each territory for hundreds of years has resulted in the evolution of a large number of landraces and cultivars. In Italy there are about 500 genetic types.


The typical cultivar of our company are: Peranzana, Coratina, Pizzuta, Leccina, Biccarese, Santa Caterina.

Peranzana (or Provenzale): imported from Provence in 700 by the Duke of Sangro. It 'a pure cultivar, not a hybrid. Mostly cultivated in Puglia (Foggia) and is the main dual purpose cultivar. The plant is medium-high vigorous and tends to be pendulous habit. Productivity is high and constant. Average oil yield. The olive is medium sized and the oil obtained from it's low acidity and taste is very balanced, which means that the oil, just out, is ready for consumption without the need for a period of maturation or to be mixed with other oils. A fruity sweet taste with notes of artichoke, which is associated with a hint of green tomato and almond.

Coratina: Apulian variety, mainly widespread in the province of Bari and especially in Corato, hence the name. The plant reaches an average growth, with branches and thin, relatively short and erect fruiting branches. The leaves are elliptical in shape, are narrow and of medium size. The colour is light green on the top and silvery grey on the bottom. The inflorescences are branched and elongated with an average of 20 flowers. The fruit, with a slightly asymmetrical shape, is thick with a greater weight than 4 g and it should turn black when ripe only at the apex. The oil is greenish with a strong fruity flavour that over time acquires a harmonious taste.

Pizzuta (o Ogliarola Salentina, Chiarita, Oliva Leccese, Cima di Mola): The most popular cultivars from Puglia. The plant is large and very vigorous (can reach and exceed 15 meters in height), with tight leaf green and dark grey bark. The thin and long fruiting branches give the plant a drooping posture. The leaves are medium sized, elongated oval, green with light green underside. The bloom is late and very abundant. The fruit has an average weight of 1.30 grams, is oval-shaped, elongated, with pointed apex asymmetric, lenticels scarce and small, of black colour to the collection. Its core is weak and its flesh has a wine red colour . It 'the most oil of all varieties. The oil has a golden yellow colour with greenish hues and low fluidity. It comes with a sweet fruity aroma when fully ripe, persistence of the spicy, slightly bitter with a pleasant hint of almond.

Leccino:its origin is still somewhat uncertain. It‘s reported in the literature as identified in both the Florentine and in Pistoia areas. The flowers are imperfect only in small part. It blooms in late May-early June and fruiting is in most areas of the basal and middle branch. The production is consistently high, with an early and uniform ripening. The fruits are used for both the olive oil extraction and as "black" olives for the table.


Biccarese: native of Puglia, in particular the province of Foggia. The fruits are used for oil extraction.

Santa Caterina (o Oliva di S. Biagio, Lucchese): originally from Tuscany. Plant heavy developed, very vigorous and with a globular and expanded crown. Leaves are elliptic, regular, fairly short and light green. The fruit is very large (7-9g), ellipsoidal, asymmetrical, with rounded base and sub-conical apex. Maturation is early, the harvest takes place in early September when the olives are always a nice deep green colour. It 'a high merit table cultivar; the productivity is good and fairly regular.